1. 24 children trusted Jesus for salvation at Youth Haven this summer.
2. We had a good group of junior staff and volunteer workers through the summer camp season.
3. God provided the additional staff needed as counselors for the Sunshine Camps.
4. Kilgore Bible Church of Kilgore, Texas, conducted a day camp at the Lee County Rec Center and a VBS at Idamay Bible Church the last week of July.
1. For upcoming camp outreaches, including the Women's Fellowship on September 22 and the Fall Dental Clinic, September 29-October 1.
2. Eric Thomas from Papua New Guinea is beginning an internship with KMM. Pray for God's blessing as he ministers with us.
3. Continue to pray about the completion of the climbing wall at the Lee County Rec Center. Also pray for the family of Calvin Landrus of Solid Rock Climbers for Christ. He had been very interested in the climbing project, but recently died of cancer.
4. Continue to pray about the staff needs at KMM. Also pray concerning KMM finances through the fall and winter months.